One Function, Her Pleasure Ch. 03

I had taken my time within the rest room ensuring I had cleaned myself deeply and completely however cleansing my cock and balls had been extraordinarily difficult. I needed to cease just a few occasions out of concern I used to be going to lose management, maintain stroking and chase the aid I used to be so desperately needing. However as I cleaned I imagined my mistresses face and the way upset she can be.

How had she accomplished this? How had she taken a lot management from me? I used to be obeying her even in her absence. It felt unusual, however equally proper, nearly like she put a spell on me.

My thoughts was deeply conflicted, a screaming mess of delight, pleasure, disappointment, servitude and frustration. I wished her, I wished her so badly, however I wished to cum, and cum badly. However that was her resolution I reminded myself as I tentatively washed myself. And it was her resolution as a result of I had dedicated to her. I dedicated to being her slave. Dedicated to her pleasure.

I emerged from the toilet clear and refreshed, calmed right down to a background feeling of need and wish. With a renewed sense of energy and a break from her teasing I used to be feeling assured, a man who had received 1,000,000 bucks, and I may take what my mistress was going to throw at me subsequent. I walked with a slight swagger and considered how fortunate I used to be.

My mistress rose from her desk on the reverse finish of the room and closed the laptop computer she was engaged on. As she approached, my eyes wandered to the pc with a way of curiosity and she or he famous my look.

‘Do not concern your self with that. I used to be simply checking on a few of my different slaves.’ she smirked.

My coronary heart sank a bit of with the sensation of disappointment that what was taking place wasn’t as particular as I first thought. I wasn’t the one one right here, the one one attending to worship her physique…

She smiled and appeared down between my legs. ‘Though, you are my solely little slut with a cock to play with…and that makes my time with you considerably completely different then I’ve grown accustomed to.’

I could not assist however smile with a way of aid, adopted by a run of creativeness as 100 questions all of the sudden flooded my thoughts. Who precisely was this girls? And what did she imply ‘different slaves’? Ought to I be slowing this down, asking some questions, understanding the state of affairs higher. The sudden rush of concern of what I used to be concerned in flowed into my thoughts and I slowed, weighing up if I used to be committing to one thing I might remorse.

Virtually as if she had learn my thoughts, she gave me a deep dominating look and I had the sudden thought as I did a full 180; I wasn’t right here to ask questions, she determined what I ought to know, and proper now all I wanted to know was my place. Whatever the situations in place, and the precedence of her pleasure I used to be in a spot of pure pleasure too, I might be a idiot to do something to jeopardize that.

She stopped in entrance of me, reached down and took my cock in her hand. I rose immediately to full mast, straining into her grip and my coronary heart began to race. I swallowed laborious and squirmed on my toes at her contact. It was evident from my response that I used to be nonetheless overly aroused and nonetheless deeply determined for aid.

‘So that you managed to do as you have been instructed in my absence. Shunned making your self cum whereas bathing. Superb, slave. This stage of belief and dedication goes a great distance. I used to be a bit of fearful you would not be man sufficient to regulate your self.’

I shook my head. ‘I’ll cum once you resolve, mistress.’

‘Good boy.’ She answered as she gave me a good squeeze earlier than letting go. ‘Now go to the foot of the mattress, stand and watch for me.’

I did as I used to be instructed and watched as she returned to the chest of drawers she has earlier produced my panties from. My thoughts wandered to how she has teased and toyed with me whereas I wore them and I discovered my cock stiffening and straining additional.

‘I’ve acquired one thing new so that you can put on, my slave.’ she mentioned excitedly, as she approached me clutching one thing in her hand. ‘One thing to get that superb cock wanting even higher.’

Her hips swayed hypnotically back and forth earlier than she stopped in entrance of me and revealed what she was holding. It was a black g-string with two steel hoops on the entrance which I knew immediately have been to wrap round and maintain my cock and balls.

‘What do you assume?’ she requested with a wink.

‘It seems to be excellent, my mistress.’ I breathed with a combined feeling of anticipation and concern. I had by no means worn a cock ring and questioned if it will harm.

‘Oh very excellent.’ she replied. ‘This can assist maintain that cock of yours laborious as we proceed and offer you a little bit of a serving to hand in holding again your orgasm.’

She bent down and I stepped into it as she pulled it up my legs. ‘And you are going to want each little bit of assist ensuring you do not disappoint me. Are you going to disappoint me?’

‘No mistress, positively not.’ I gulped as she pulled my cock and balls by their respective hoops. They gripped tightly and looking out down I noticed my cock had grown thick in its constraint, the vein pulsing alongside the perimeters, my head throbbing laborious. There was no ache, solely a really feel of restriction and strain. I favored it.

‘Wonderful. As a result of keep in mind for those who fail me, I’ll punish you after which I’ll discard you. And belief me after I say you don’t need both of these.’

She rose and took a step again to admire her work. My arousal was at full throttle once more as I appeared again at her in her white with black rimmed lacy hipster panties, matching bra together with her breasts nearly bursting out, and her white sheer stocking with black lacy tops.

‘Lovely.’ she softly exclaimed. My cock bobbed and strained within the air pointing straight at her and I closed my eyes to try to settle myself. Slowing my respiratory I heard her communicate softly.

‘Maybe for those who behave your self I would introduce you to my different slaves. I am positive they’d do completely something to really feel that cock on their our bodies. Moist and slick, sliding over their breasts, lips, asses and pussies.’

I whimpered quietly on the thought. Feeling her palms on my hips I opened my eyes as she rotated me round so she stood between the mattress and me.

‘Now get down in your knees my little slave and put your palms behind your again, It is time to worship your mistresses physique with that harmless little face.’ She commanded as she smirked at me.

I did as I used to be instructed. On my knees, my eyes have been stage with the crotch of her panties and I used to be fixated on the mound of her pussy beneath the skinny material. I may see her puffy lips straining in opposition to the tight materials framing her slit. My respiratory deepened and my cock throbbed in lust for her.

She reached down, working her hand over my head, by my hair and down the facet of my face. Cradling my chin she tilted my head as much as look into my eyes.

‘You need my pussy, do not you?’ She requested softly, smiling at me mischievously. Her stare penetrated me deeply and I misplaced myself in her eyes.

‘Sure mistress, I do. I need to kiss, lick and suck you. I need to style you.’ I whispered softly as I stared longingly at her..

She smiled. ‘You need me to really feel my juices run over your lips as you bury your tongue deep inside me.’

I shuddered with lust and my cock strained painfully up on the thought. ‘Sure mistress, please, I do.’

‘You need me to grind my scorching creamy cunt into your face, utilizing you for my pleasure?’ She requested as she let go of my chin and pressed my head again down.

I gulped in anticipation. ‘Please mistress.’ I softly pleaded as I opened my mouth hungrily and licked my lips whereas looking at her crotch.

‘Would you like your mistress to fuck your face till I explode and cum in your mouth?’

I moaned deeply and struggled to talk. ‘Yesss….’ I begged.

She chuckled and tilted her hips ahead flippantly brushing the mound of her pussy throughout my face earlier than shortly pulling again. The material was heat making me salivate hungrily.

‘Say it.’ She commanded.

‘Please fuck my face mistress. Please use me. Please cum on my mouth.’ I replied shortly, conditioned to her questions however totally honest in my response.

‘Perhaps I am going to do this…’ she teased. ‘However we’ll get to that. First, I would like you to worship my ass.’

She turned slowly dragging her hip after which ass cheek throughout my face till she stood dealing with away from me. I stared into the fold between her agency cheeks the place her panties clung tightly to her.

She appeared over her shoulder at me as she swayed her hips teasing me and I watched with eagerness and licked my lips once more.

‘Push your face into my ass, slave. However maintain that mouth closed. You have not but earned the pleasure of feeling me in your mouth.’ She instructed as she bent her hips barely providing herself to me. ‘Really feel my heat agency cheeks shut round you as you breathe me in. Really feel me utilizing you face for my wants.’

I pushed my face ahead shortly into the crack of her ass and breathed in deeply consuming up as a lot as her scent as I may, exhaling in an extended low growl of lust within the delicate warmness on and round my face. She tensed her cheeks and floor again into me. With solely the skinny material of her tight delicate shorts separating my face from her pores and skin and ass I went giddy on the heat on my face and her scrumptious odor.

She floor her hips from left to proper taking pleasure in feeling my face burying deeper into ass. I may hear her speaking to me however struggled to give attention to her phrases as I misplaced myself in her. All of the sudden I felt her seize my hair painfully as she reached behind her and pulled my face more durable in opposition to her.

I snapped again to listening to her however moaned deeply together with her aggression.

‘I requested; does my pathetic slut like his mistresses ass?’

‘Sure mistress.’ I replied, my voice muffled in her ass. As I spoke and opened my mouth her scent flowed between my lips and penetrated me deeper than I may have imagined. My cock was straining painfully laborious once more, attempting it hardest to interrupt freed from its ring and my fingers flexed behind my again, grabbing at air determined to the touch her and maintain her.

‘And is he grateful?’ She requested.

I used to be. Greater than I believed I may very well be. ‘Sure mistress, thanks, thanks in your ass.’ I struggled to get the phrases out as I gasped for air in her cruel smothering. She swayed her hips forwards and backwards, persevering with to grind her ass into my face. I listened to her sighs of delight and breathed in deeply misplaced within the bliss of being allowed to really feel her ass in opposition to my face.

‘That is slave.’ She cooed softly. ‘Worship my ass. That is little whore.’

She went silent for some time as she rocked in opposition to me and basked in her enjoyment of dominating me. I may really feel the warmth constructing between us and I longed to really feel the pores and skin of her ass cheeks on my face and the style of her physique on my lips

She began to slowly elevate her hips and convey them again down as she bent over and steadied herself on the mattress. I felt the bulb of her panty clad pussy brush up my face and again down, and her musky candy odor flowed over me. I moaned deeply, determined to open my mouth, determined to pleasure her pussy with my lips and tongue.

‘Please mistress…’ I pleaded beginning to lose management of myself as I began to shake with pure sexual frustration.

She chuckled softly and continued to slip her ass up and down my face, pausing briefly every time her pussy grazed my lips.

‘I am getting very moist once more, my slave. Can you’re feeling it? Can you’re feeling my wetness soaking by my panties?’.’ She purred. ‘Hold that mouth closed.’ She raised her hips up once more however this time pushed her pussy firmly down my lips. I felt the dampness of her underwear in opposition to my lips as she floor into my mouth.

‘I wager you’ll do completely something proper now to open your mouth and shut them hungry lips round me.’

As I went to reply she tilted her hips ahead burying my face again in her ass.

‘Sure mistress, please, something.’ I whined loudly into her.

She chuckled once more, tilting her hips up she rested her pussy on my lips once more. I used to be panting so laborious I used to be beginning to go dizzy.

She held herself on my lips for agonising minutes and I may really feel the material getting hotter and wetter. I fought wildly with myself to maintain my mouth closed and targeting slowing my respiratory. As I fell right into a rhythm she gently stroked herself forwards and backwards on my lips and I whimpered again and again at her cruel teasing.

‘That is it, my pathetic slut, whimper and beg. Ought to me how determined you might be. Let me hear how I am breaking you down.’ She mocked.

Her moist pussy soaked by her panties and with every passing minute I may really feel her lust seeping onto my lips.

‘My thoughts is working wild at how I need to use you. You’ve got been good thus far however I actually need to see and really feel that desperation.’ Her respiratory has develop into ragged as she personal arousal elevated.

I moaned and she or he wiggled once more in opposition to me.

All of the sudden she stood earlier than up straight and stepped away from me, turning to face me.

I growled in pure frustration and appeared up at her.

‘Looks as if my whore is lastly studying self management.’ She smirked nearly breathless. She shortly stepped again into me and pushed my face into the entrance of her crotch.

I felt the contours of her puffy delicate lips by the material on my mouth and nearly exploded as they parted and my closed mouth and nostril pushed barely in. My respiratory went erratic and my physique trembled uncontrollably.

‘Be calm, slave.’ She cooed as she began to stroke her crotch forwards and backwards, and up and down my face. Because the delicate material of her panty clad pussy dragged over my face and mouth she began to grind, pushing her self increasingly more intensely into my face.

Her sighs of delight turned to delicate moans and I echoed her dreamy moans by my pursed lips.

She playfully ran her hand by my hair as she swayed her hips, tormenting me. I stayed nonetheless respiratory deeply into her pussy not daring to interrupt eye contact together with her.

All of the sudden she grabbed my hair and pulled my face laborious into her crotch whereas grinding with all her energy into my mouth. She closed her eyes and growled in ardour as she assaulted my face. The power nearly pushed me again however I strained ahead into her physique to let her fuck my mouth as laborious as she wished.

‘Sure my slave. Worship my cunt.’ She growled as I battle to gasp for air. ‘You are my pathetic slut aren’t you. Slave to my pussy.’

Her smothering was turning into so intense I could not breathe and I attempted to tug away however she tightened her grip on my hair and held me quick between her legs.

Simply as concern began to creep into me at my battle to breathe she pulled again and I gasped laborious, drawing in as a lot air as I may.

Earlier than I may collect myself, she pulled my face again into her pussy once more. Wriggling in opposition to her as I struggled for air I heard her giggle.

‘I believed you wished this, my little slut?’ she mocked. ‘I believed you wished to bury your face in my scorching moist pussy?’

I attempted to talk however could not get the phrases out earlier than she pulled me away. ‘Sure…’ earlier than I may get the remainder of the sentence out as air rushed into my lungs she pulled my face laborious again into her pussy once more.

Simply as I believed I used to be going to utterly lose my breath she push me away once more and appeared down at me.

‘Open your mouth, whore. However maintain these lips and tongue nonetheless.’ She commanded.

I snapped my mouth open as broad as I may and she or he pushed her crotch into my mouth as she pushed my head again to look into my eyes. I may style her sweetness by the moist material and I salivated uncontrollably as I breathed deeply attempting to compose myself.

‘That is boy.’ She whispered staring down at me as she held herself in my mouth. ‘Present your mistress who’s in management. Feeling your scorching determined breath flowing by my panties and over my pussy is getting me dripping moist once more.’

I moaned deeply into her crotch and my tongue twitched madly to stretch ahead and lick her panties and style her sweetness.

I used to be so determined to style her my very own salvia ran out over my lips and down my chin.

‘Take a look at you dribbling.’ She laughed as I blushed laborious. I used to be so extremely dominated I may solely nod.

‘Do you need to kiss and lick your mistresses moist pussy although her panties?’ She requested.

‘Sure please.’ I whimpered into her physique as my lips quivered uncontrollably and I pushed my mouth tightly into her crotch taking as a lot of her physique as I may between my lips. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply feeling utterly submitted to her.

She chuckled softly and pushed again, grinding slowly into me.

I felt motion on my lips and opened my eyes to see her slide her fingers beneath her waist band and into her panties. I moaned deep and feral as I felt her fingers exploring herself in my mouth.

She moaned again deeply as she began to play with herself and I began to shake once more in opposition to her physique. I envisioned her fingers rubbing at her clit, sliding down her moist slit after which pushing inside herself as I felt them transfer in my open mouth.

‘You’ve got been an distinctive slave.’ She purred as she performed with herself. ‘Letting me fulfil a few of my deepest kinkiest fantasies has taken me to new heights of delight.’ Her respiratory grew deeper as she toyed with me. ‘I have been preserving a eager eye on that onerous straining cock of yours….’ she let that cling as I felt the tempo in her fingers enhance.

‘…however I am in no rush. I’ve acquired much more deliberate earlier than I bask in utilizing your cock. I am a really affected person girl with a substantial amount of methods I need to cum first. I hope my slave is as affected person…’

I moaned loudly in opposition to her crotch as I felt her different hand clasp across the again of my head.

‘Lick and suck my fingers by my panties.’ She breathed deeply as she pulled my head firmer into her crotch. I did not must be requested twice and I wrapped my lips across the bulges of her fingers and began to suck feverishly as I lashed out with my tongue. Her wetness flowed into my mouth as I sucked her lust off her fingers by the material and I lapped hungrily with my tongue in quick lengthy strokes.

I wished her pussy in my mouth so badly it was painful and I could not cease myself moaning and whimpering as I used my mouth on her panties. My balls have been so tight and my cock straining so tall I used to be battling with the urge to leap up, rip her panties apart and plunge myself deep inside her. The moment considered her scorching slick pussy sliding over my cock as I penetrated her, made my pressure so laborious it began to harm.

I wanted to fuck her greater than ever thought attainable and the one factor holding me again was the realisation that I wished her to make that call. I knew deeply as I sucked on her fingers and felt her physique tense and grind into me that I used to be worshipping her out of shear need, I wished her to proceed utilizing me as she noticed match. Her teasing and video games have been bringing me a stage of delight I didn’t need to surrender.

All of the sudden she gripped my hair and pulled my head again sharply away from her crotch. Pulling her fingers out of panties she smeared them onto my lips and slid them deep into my mouth. They have been dripping moist together with her lust and I sucked laborious as she stared into my eyes and fucked my mouth together with her sodden fingers. Her style was overwhelming and I basked in her present.

‘That is boy.’ She purred. ‘Suck my pussy juices off my fingers. Present me how hungry you might be for me.’

As she continued to fuck my mouth together with her moist fingers she smirked at me, her lust clearly being driving laborious by her management over me.

‘Suck each drop off my fingers. Present me how a lot you take pleasure in my style.’ She continued as I hungrily sucked at her, desperately eager to style her straight from her pussy. I closed my eyes as I imagined that.

The management she now had over me was deep and all I wished to do was obey her. The reward of tasting her pussy off her fingers was so deeply stuffed with gratification I knew she owned me, and she or he knew it.

When she was glad I had sucked her fingers clear she pulled them slowly from my mouth and grinned.