My Evening With Brittnay Pt. 01

She was the most well liked lady I labored with. I dreamed day and evening about someday getting her to be mine. I’ve horrible luck with women, I at all times have. I am a type of guys I hate give off a creepy vibe that I can not flip off. When you get to know me it goes away however even then, by no means having a girlfriend and I am 25.

When she first began working with me she was cool and the primary time I laid eyes on her I knew I wished her. I later discovered what would occur.

Her identify was Brittnay. She was in all probability about 5’6 perhaps 130 kilos moist. She had a hell of a physique, smaller breasts however excellent for me and an ass to die for. Each time she walked by I zoned out on that ass. There have been I few instances she virtually caught me wanting however I used to be okay. Sadly she was married.

After just a few months of typical man speak I mentioned some guys stuff and among the different women heard and advised her what I mentioned. She by no means requested me about it however I knew she was uncomfortable. I continued watching from afar however ultimately she received a brand new job and he or she was gone.

It was a traditional day after work, I had simply gotten house and was taking part in movies video games. Abruptly I received a textual content. I checked it considering it was one in every of my mates but it surely was Brittnay.

Brittnay wrote that her husband was out of city and he or she wished to know if we might speak and get some meals. I sat there for a second, frozen and surprised. I’ve by no means anticipated to listen to from her once more.

I messaged again when my head stopped spinning and mentioned sure and requested the place? She mentioned only a quick meals place will do. We selected McDonald’s and headed there that afternoon.

I walked to the McDonald’s down the road and waited a couple of minutes until she was executed with work. It was a scorching day so I went inside until she arrived.

When Brittnay pulled up I used to be starstruck. She was sporting a black shirt that did not cowl her stomach button. She had a leather-based jacket on and a pair of the tightest becoming denims I’ve ever seen her put on.

I opened the door for her and we went inside. I ordered a pair burgers whereas she ordered nuggets and a big fry. We each received a soda and sat down.

Brittnay smiled and broke the silence by asking me how I had been. I mentioned okay and awkwardly requested the identical. She mentioned she was good however she wanted to ask me a query. I mentioned okay and he or she smiled.

She mentioned she did not care concerning the man speak as a result of she understands. She mentioned she simply wished to ask me why I really like her ass a lot.

I stared blankly, unable to reply. Brittany appeared lifeless critical for a solution however I could not provide you with something. I used to be in shock for such a query. Brittnay laughed and smiled. She mentioned she understands she simply wished the response.

Brittany then requested if I might wanna come again to her place for some time. I requested about her husband however she mentioned he was gone for the week. She mentioned she wished to really feel beloved and I might do it.

I advised her okay however I could not consider it was taking place. I paid for our meal and received into her automotive. We drove to her home and went inside. It was a pleasant condominium with two bedrooms. One for her and her husband and the opposite for company.

Brittnay advised me we might use the visitor room and he or she requested me to go in. I went in and seen the mattress had contemporary sheets and the headboard was towards the wall.

Brittany adopted shut behind and jumped on my again. She wasn’t heavy in any respect however I virtually fell from being caught off guard. She hugged me and I used to be in heaven. Brittany requested me to put on the mattress and mentioned she wished to scrub up a bit from work.

I laid down and Brittnay ponced into my abdomen. She grabbed my arms put them in some straps.I did not battle her as a result of I used to be down for no matter this excellent queen wished.

Brittnay strapped my ft down as properly and walked to her rest room. She got here out a couple of minutes later with make-up on. she wasn’t the kinda lady who wanted it.

Nonetheless sporting her denims Brittnay jumped onto my abdomen and sat there wanting down at me. She smiled and mentioned she wished to ask me yet another query. I mentioned okay and he or she laughed. She requested if I actually thought I would not ever get punished for observing her ass.

I used to be in shock but it surely was taken as she jumped her physique onto my face. She was sitting on my face, my nostril caught in her pussy and my mouth below her ass as properly. I did not get a breath in and I used to be preventing however the straps had been too tight.

I attempted screaming however Brittnay simply laughed as I ran out of air. I simply wanted a breath however she would not stand up. My lungs began to burn and I used to be attempting so exhausting to breathe however there was no use. Brittnay raised up simply sufficient for me to take a small 2 second breath earlier than slamming her denims again down.

I used to be completely struggling, I had been about 30 seconds. I used to be looking for a air pocket however her denims had been so tight. My face might really feel the roughness of her denims. I attempted letting out a scream once more however Brittany saved me there as she laughed.

After a few minute Brittnay lastly received off. I gasped for treasured oxygen as she laughed above me. I begged to be let go, that I used to be sorry, however Brittnay simply laughed. Britt began to take off her sneakers and soiled socks.

Brittany advised me to open my mouth however I mentioned no. Brittnay advised me to or she would sit for one more minute. I Begged Brittnay to get off however she would not. She advised me to open my mouth once more however I did not.

Brittnay jumped up and sat again down on my face. I used to be in a position to get a small breath on this time so it wasn’t too dangerous but. The denims had been so brutal on my face as I used to be shortly operating out of air. I attempted to wrestle however my legs and arms had been each certain so tight. I appeared up at Britt and he or she was smiling again down at me.

I attempted too transfer my head out for a breath however she had me tight between her thighs. I screamed however once more it was muffled inside her. Brittnay smiled and mentioned she likes once I scream. She mentioned she likes the vibrations of it.

I felt like my lungs had been gonna explode at this level as I began to gulp for air. Brittnay requested If I wanted air. I screamed into her and he or she laughed once more. It had been not less than a minute with out air.

Brittnan advised me to beg if I wished air. I screamed please again and again into her pussy and he or she saved laughing.

Lastly as I felt like I used to be gonna cross out she received up. I gasped for air like I had by no means earlier than. She laughed as I begged her to not sit once more.

Brittnay jumped onto my abdomen and advised me to open my mouth. I opened and he or she spit proper into my mouth. I closed my mouth however she advised me to open up once more. I mentioned no and Brittnay grabbed my nostril. I did not get a breath in so I knew it would not final.

In just a few seconds I opened my mouth to breath. Brittnay shortly shoved her two socks into my mouth. I began to gag from the style of sweat however Britt lined my mouth so I could not spit them out. She advised me to suck them dry for her.

Britt slapped me as I attempted to maneuver my head once more. She advised me if I did not do what she mentioned she would sit down till they had been clear. I shook my head and he or she slapped me once more. She advised me to suck them now and I have never seen brutality but.

I stared at Brittany’s stunning demanding face and I began to suck on the socks. Her sweat was salty and it virtually made me gag. She has been sporting all of them day. It was over 90° exterior at present. She advised me to maintain going and I attempted to get away once more.

Brittnay advised me to take a deep breath. I attempted to beg her to not however she yelled to take the fucking deep breath. I complied as she jumped onto my face once more. This time I attempted exhausting to not wrestle. My deep breath was truly making this simpler as I appeared up at Britt. She was wanting down at me with a smile on her face and her palms on her hips.

Brittnay mentioned she was gonna sit till the sweat was out of her socks. She mentioned she he did not care how lengthy I’ve to go with out air. She advised me to sign with a faucet once I cannot style sweat anymore.

I used to be considering to myself that for therefore lengthy I wished this lady and now I used to be struggling below her. I used to be beginning to run out of air and the socks had been nonetheless sweaty. I began to wrestle as Britt stared down at me. I began sucking on the socks with all my may. It tastes so dangerous however I wanted to breathe.

Britt requested if the socks had been tasty and I attempted to shake my head no. Britt laughed and continued to smother me.

I attempted preventing my arms free however the Velcro was so tight. Brittanys thighs continued to maintain my head in place. I could not discover any air so I screamed. Britt requested if the sweat was gone. I sucked however there was extra sweat. I attempted to nod my head and Britt laughed. She mentioned faucet then

I sucked one other gulp of sweat down and tapped. Britt smiled and requested if I am positive its all gone. I screamed into her and tapped frantically. She began to depend again from ten. She mentioned suck for my life. 10, 9, 8, I sucked as exhausting as I might the sweat poured into my throat. 7,6,5,4, I screamed, I wanted air now. 3, 2, 1 and one half. I screamed once more. 1 and 1 / 4, 1 and a third. I used to be panicking. I used to be screaming again and again into Britt as she laughed.

Lastly Britt received up. I frantically gasped oxygen by my nostril. Britt received off of me and walked into the kitchen for a second. She got here again with duck tape and two water bottles.

She put the duck tape down and jumped again on my abdomen. Britt smiled and requested if I used to be thirsty. I attempted to say sure nonetheless gagged with socks. She took out the socks and put them on the ground.

Brittnay requested if I used to be thirsty. I mentioned sure and he or she took a drink. She advised me open my mouth. I did as instructed not eager to be smothered once more. She put some water in her mouth and spit it into mine. I drank the water down shortly, getting the style of sweat out of my mouth.

Britt cleared her throat and spit into my mouth once more. She advised me to swallow so I did. She spit just a few extra instances in my mouth and I swallowed.

Britt requested me if i’ve ever been punished. I mentioned that she was doing it now and he or she laughed. She mentioned this is not even near my punishment. She requested if I wished to cum at present.

I checked out Britt in horror as she pulled out a chastity cage. She defined that her husband could be effective until Monday. I used to be gonna be her bitch till Sunday evening. She defined that if I did not so what she mentioned she would depart me in chastity for a month.

I begged Britt not too as she strapped it to me. She advised me I might get free Sunday if I obeyed her all weekend. I begged her to not and he or she slapped me. She mentioned it wasn’t a selection.

Brittnay put her ft on my face. I might odor the sweat that was in her socks. She advised me that I used to be gonna lick her ft clear. I begged her once more to cease and he or she kicked my face. She advised me I both kick or she would stand on my face.

I requested her to not once more and he or she kicked more durable. She mentioned style them. I caught my tongue out and he or she grabbed it together with her toes. I struggled however Britt held in. Her ft tasted worse than he socks. I turned my face sideways and Britt kicked me tremendous exhausting.

Brittnay grabbed the headboard and stood up. She advised me I requested for this. She placed on foot over my eyes and tried to place one other over my mouth and nostril. I turned my face to the aspect and he or she kicked my nostril. I yelled in most important as she kicked. She advised me to place my face ahead earlier than she hits hit me within the dick.

I turned my head again and Britt stood on my face. She wasn’t heavy however on my face she was. I did not wanna transfer as a result of I knew I might be punished more durable. I might breathe a bit by my nostril however my face was in ache. Britt was holding the headboard however out of the blue put her arms up. All of her weight was on my face.

I cried in ache however Britt would not let up. I attempted to wrestle so she put her ft up and dropped her ass onto my face full drive. She laughed and jumped again on my abdomen.

Britt advised me to lick her ft now. I begged and pleaded to be let go however she went again to the kitchen. She got here again into the bed room with a masks to place over my eyes. I could not see something and he or she advised me to lick her ft or I might be punished severely.

I caught my tongue out and began to lick her toes. She advised me to maintain licking and to do as she mentioned. I saved licking. Slowly getting between her toes cleansing each. I licked her souls and began to gag. She had a lot sweat on her ft. It was salty and gross. I struggled and requested if it was sufficient. She mentioned no means.

Britt advised me to maintain licking however I attempted to get free. Brittnay kicked my face once more and advised me to stay out my tongue. I complied not wanting be kicked once more. She grabbed my tongue and squirted one thing on it. She mentioned eat it.

I quickly realized what it was. My mouth was on fireplace. When Britt went to the kitchen she had grabbed the recent sauce. I used to be struggling and coughing. She kicked my face once more and advised me if I did not lick she would feed me the entire bottle with none drink. I caught my burning tongue out and began to lick quicker than earlier than. I could not even style the sweat with the fireplace in my mouth.

I licked and licked as my mouth and throat burned increasingly. I had licked each ft and virtually had tears in my eyes from the burning.

Britt took off the blindfold and requested if I wanted a drink. I nodded sure very quick however she mentioned too dangerous. She grabbed a loaf of bread she introduced in and advised me I might eat bread to cook dinner it down. I mentioned okay and he or she opened it.

Britt grabbed out a value if bread and spit in it just a few instances. She shoved it into my mouth and I might really feel the fireplace begin to relax. She grabbed one other piece and put it into her mouth. Britt chewed it and advised me to open. She spit the already chewed bread in my mouth. I gagged and he or she advised me to swallow.

The hearth was virtually gone and he or she grabbed yet another piece. Britt caught it down her pant. She advised me I might eat extra sweat. She pulled it out and tried to place it in my mouth however I turned my head. She slapped me and advised me to eat it or I might get extra sauce with out something to chill.

I reluctantly opened my mouth and Britt shoved it in. I gagged and he or she jumped onto my face. She advised me to eat so I might have air. I struggled attempting to breath. I could not get a breath once more. She had me tight below her pussy. She advised me to chew once more or she would not stand up. I screamed and he or she grabbed my hair..she held me below her and I wanted air so dangerous already.

I spotted I wanted to chew. I began chewing the sweaty bread and Britt laughed. I used to be kicking and I used to be so determined for air. I swallowed and began to faucet. She laughed and mentioned she did not really feel like getting up. I screamed and screamed into her pussy. She watched into my eyes and I noticed evil. She advised me she loves watching my eyes as I run out of air.

I screamed once more and Britt lastly let up. I breathed so exhausting as she grabbed my balls and pinched. She mentioned it was time for some actual punishment. She requested if I used to be prepared for her ass.

I had at all times stared at her ass however I did not know I wished it anymore. Brittnay crawled the alternative means and advised me to kiss it. I at all times wished too and I planted a kiss on her ass. She laughed and mentioned the opposite aspect. I did and he or she advised me to maintain going.

I kissed and kissed Britts perfects ass. It was like I used to be making out with it. She advised me there have been completely different guidelines for her ass. She advised me I might be smelling her ass by the denims. I might odor so long as she mentioned and if she did not really feel like I used to be doing my finest she would lower off my air once more. Every time I fucked up I might lose my breath for longer and longer. Britt requested if I understood and I nodded.

Britt grabbed the tape she introduced in earlier and put a chunk over my mouth. She advised me to begin sniffing. She dropped her ass nearer to my face and I took a deep breath. I smelled a lot sweat that I turned my head. Britt grabbed my hair and put my face again. She mentioned If I did that once more my air was gone.

I took one other breath and once more a lot sweat. I coughed and Britt laughed. She advised me she had worn these denims for 3 days. Britt advised me to maintain sniffing now and to make it deeper. I took one other sniff and gagged once more.

Britt sat down on my face. I could not breathe once more however I had her excellent ass on me. I struggled however Britt remained sitting. She advised me that if I can not hear, oxygen is not crucial. I had at all times wished to worship Britts ass however not like this.

I might see Britts again and hair hanging down. I attempted to maneuver my face however her denims pressed into my face at any time when I moved. It harm quite a bit and he or she had extra weight on me than when she was ahead. I actually wanted air so I began to squirm. Britt mentioned to take a seat nonetheless however I wanted to breathe. She sat and sat and sat as I struggled greater than ever.

I attempted screaming however her excellent ass muffled my screams. Britt yelled to scream into her ass simply scream. I saved screaming and was thrashing for air. I began to whimper as I began to get mild headed.

I tapped and tapped as Britt lastly let up. I gasped for air as my lungs had been burning. I lastly stuffed my lungs with oxygen. Britt mentioned sniff now. I sniffed her ass as deep as I might shortly. I saved sniffing and Britt laughed. She advised me that was my solely air as I sniffed increasingly of her sweat.

Brittnay grabbed my dick in it is cage and moved it round as I sniffed her sweaty excellent ass. I used to be moaning however I could not get exhausting with out ache. Britt had the cage tight however sufficient she might nonetheless play and torture me. I beloved Britts ass however the odor was an excessive amount of.

Brittnay advised me deeper sniffs. She wished my nostril to odor like her ass. I saved sniffing attempting to not gag. Britt advised me my sniffs weren’t deep sufficient. Britt advised me to take a deep breath. She mentioned this was strike two and he or she would sit till I cried. I screamed uh uh in my tape however she did not care. She mentioned deep breaths once more and tried to take a seat. I moved my head sideways. Britt punched me within the abdomen and commanded me to place my head ahead. I did not and he or she punched me within the balls. I screamed in my tape and he or she grabbed my hair. Britt compelled me into her ass.

My balls harm and I could not breathe once more. I screamed for air however Brittnay put her palms on her hips. She mentioned oxygen is a privilege whereas being in chastity. My nostril was pressed into her ass. My nostril was crushed by the seam of her denims. I moved my head but it surely did not budge. I attempted lifting my head however Britts gripp was like concrete.

Britt hit me within the balls once more and I screamed into her ass. She squeezed my balls and I began to whimper. She squeezed for a full 30 seconds as I screamed into her ass. I used to be struggling a lot I might really feel one of many straps on my arms coming free. Britt laughed as I struggled exhausting. I wanted air quickly. I pulled my strap more durable and it felt free. The Velcro was virtually aside.

Brittnay mentioned to cease struggling or she would not stand up. My chest was beginning to heave and I used to be gasping for air however Britt saved sitting. I used to be screaming more durable and preventing for a single breath however all I received was ass. I pulled the strap as exhausting as I might but it surely was nonetheless barley collectively.

I used to be tapped frantically whimpering so loud below Britt however she would not budge. I seen the room spinning and pulled yet another time. My arm slipped free and I pushed Britts ass. I used to be so weak she did not budge. She grabbed my fingers and began to bend them. I believed I used to be blacking out when Britt lastly received off.

I gasped and gasped by my nostril. I attempted preventing Brittnay with my free arm however she had my fingers. She advised me to smell as I sucked in air. I took big whiffs of her excellent sweaty ass. She was sweating increasingly in her ass. Britt bent my fingers down and re strapped my wrist. This time she took out two pairs of hand cuff out of the drawer subsequent to the mattress and cuffed each arms. Even when I freed myself from the Velcro I used to be trapped now.

I begged Britt to let me go however she lowered her ass again too my face. I sniffed more durable than earlier than attempting to ensure I did not get sat on once more. Brittnay appeared again and advised me I wanted to obey or I would not get out of the chastity. She advised me sniff more durable than ever or there was an actual punishment coming.